Scissors / Double Scissors

Dribbling the ball forward, the player keeps their hips low and takes a step around the front of the ball (they can imagine their legs are the blades of scissors and open up those scissors around the front of the ball). As they plant their foot they push off in the other direction taking the ball away with the outside of the other foot. They finish the technique by following the touch with the outside of the foot with a touch with the inside of the foot to seal the space behind the defender.

Double Scissors
As shown below, it is possible to combine two of these steps around the front of the ball in order to create a double scissors. Ensure that the ball continues to move and that the players drop their hips with each step. The only change is the distance between the player and the defender where they begin the technique. If they are stepping twice, the ball will roll closer to the defender (unless the defender is moving backwards) so they must start earlier.