Stop Turn & Stop Turn with Revellino

One of the fastest turns a player can use and a turn which sends no signals to the defender that they are going to turn. Simply stop the ball with the bottom of the foot and then take it away with the outside of the other foot.
  • Land 1/2 turned and low for a quick acceleration.
  • Be in the air as the ball is stopped and end up on the other side of the ball.
  • Perform this with the foot farthest from defender and take the ball away with the outside of the foot farthest from the defender.

Stop Turn with Revellino

A technique added to the Stop Turn is a Revellino. This is used to develop the combination of techniques.  Perform a stop turn then with the same foot that stops the ball, the player steps around the front of the ball and catches their balance (feet side by side) on the other side of the ball.  Then using the same lead foot push the ball away in the original direction of travel.